Saturday, 29 March 2025


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We believe there is only one true God, who exists in the Trinity as, The Father, The Son and The Holy-Spirit. He is the God who is taught about in the Bible. He is the great I AM. The beginning and the end, perfect and Holy. We believe all scripture is God breathed and true, and it is a gift to us to edify, rebuke, and give hope as well as to train us in righteousness. We believe the Bible is a true Word of God. We believe we are born with a sinful nature and our only hope is in Christ alone. Through grace not by deeds, we are given eternal life. We believe Jesus paid the price for us on the cross and it is enough to redeem us.

We believe one day every knee shall bow and declare that Jesus Christ is Lord. Rera is a Tswana word for preach. We are inspired by the great commission to preach to the world and make disciples of all nations. We believe in the unfathomable power of the word of God, it is sharper than a double edged sword. We believe in preaching the gospel that is clear and direct which is the undiluted gospel.